I will start by being totally transparent here and admitting group sessions are not generally my very favorite type of shoots. Chaos and spontaneity are my two loves, and let's be honest, group shots are all about the smiles at the camera. I am the WORST at getting kids to smile at me for an entire hour! As fun I may think I am to hang out with, they always seem to tire of the big black thing covering my face. ;-)
Now fast forward to this Laguna Beach evening with this crew of 12 people, five of them being little. I asked as we were about to start if they wanted more of the traditional shots or candid. They responded with an unanimous "candid" and although I maintained my chill in front of them, inside I was shouting with joy. And so much joy we captured!! Yes, there were also some tears and screams, chaos and crazy, ocean soaked clothes and babies stripped down to their diapers by the end. But it was real life, with real families, and this is everything I love about photography.
And with that, here's to some untraditional goodness!
Family #1:
And family #2
Oh my goodness how adorable are these grandparents???
And of course we got some group shots at the beginning too! I am a firm believer in some good family portraits. I mean what's the point of the fireplace mantel without one of these hanging over it? <3
Well, we were somewhat posed at least. ;-)