Doing a little interruption here of my usual talks of beach and family and photography with a little mom brag about my own two kids. But the photos were taken right here in Newport Beach and the sunset was amazing, and we all went right into that icy cold ocean, and I lived on the wild side with no special gear to keep my camera dry—so it still kind of counts I think. ;-) But you guys, my kids are officially 100 days in with no sweets, deserts, candy, or anything with excess sugar. 🍭 Kids are beasts, you guys!!! They’ve been through Easter egg hunts, birthday parties, camps, the list goes on and on. Sugar is hanging everywhere in front of them and they haven’t even flinched in their resolve. It started as a 30 day challenge, to purge ourselves from what I felt was becoming an unhealthy addiction. They jumped on the bandwagon full force and decided they would go to 100 with me as well. I told them this week I’ve decided to attempt a whole year but they definitely don’t have to join me. But they each instantly responded they were all in. So here’s to 265 more to go! 🙌 A few things I’ve noticed about them through this:
1. They eat a LOT! Without the incentive of desert at the end of a meal, they devour their plates until they are actually full.
2. They are very health conscience. Giving up sugar to replace it with health and strength into our bodies has led to so many questions of what other things are good and bad for them and they are 💯 about filling themselves with the good now. This has led to such amazing meals together as a family, with my kids sampling every last dish.
3. They demolish fruit. I seriously cannot keep my house filled with enough of it now. Those natural sugars taste like heaven now. ☺️ I don’t think I could have ever made it this far myself without them. They’ve made me realize we are capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe sometimes. I have never felt so great! And seriously, my kids aren’t anything extra special. I think we sometimes just don’t give these little humans enough credit as to what they are capable of. 💪
My husband has been wanting to dabble a bit into photography lately, so I showed him a few things and passed it off. I am forever so so grateful when he grabs these memories for me. It makes me realize all over again how important it is to really get in the frame with your kids, as time is oh too fleeting. How is my son so big all of a sudden anyways?? <3